
I provide a wide range of design services that cover everything you will need for your business. With 30 years experience working at high end agencies and running my own business there is nothing I cannot do.

Squarespace Website Portfolio Design and Development.

16 years experience since the birth of Squarespace after leaving a long and successful career working in London advertising and design agencies I decided to run my own business designing websites. I was interviewed by Squarespace with them on their blog and was even offered a job as a template designer. New York is not for me tho.

Logo Design and Branding.

30 years experience in the best agencies in the world. I have designed logos for Tesco, Sony and many more. A professionally designed logo is a must as it instantly creates trust ands the fact you care about your brand.

Printed material such as Booklets, Brochures, Magazines and Adverts.

30 years experience, creating anything including the Sony Annual Report, Tesco Wine Club Magazine and Art Directing Photoshoots.

Stationery such as Business Cards, Letterheads and Invoices.

30 years experience. Designing high-quality stationery, including business cards, letterheads, invoices, and proposals, is crucial for establishing a professional and cohesive brand image. These elements are often the first tangible representations of a company that clients and partners encounter, making their design integral to creating a lasting positive impression. Well-designed stationery communicates attention to detail and commitment to quality, reinforcing the company's brand identity and values. It enhances credibility and professionalism, facilitating better client relationships and trust. Moreover, consistent and aesthetically pleasing design across all stationery aids in brand recognition and differentiation in a competitive market. Thoughtful stationery design is, therefore, a strategic move that supports a company's overall marketing and branding .